About Us

Our Mission: "Peace in mind, peace in action"
The Bermuda Conflict Resolution Institute is committed to promoting dispute resolution skills among Bermudians through in-person and online training. We also offer professional, effective mediation services in a safe and neutral environment.
Our Approach
The need to effectively negotiate for what we want, and to resolve disputes with others, is something we all share. Alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) is a set of skills and knowledge to manage conflict and resolve disputes (outside of court) using proven techniques. In Bermuda, and around the world, ADR is a creative, exciting field of professional practice that helps improve communication, build relationships and helps people shape their own solutions and find agreement. Acquiring conflict resolution skills can benefit a wide range of people in the public and private sector – board members, senior managers, human resource professionals, educators and employees working with the public.
The Bermuda Conflict Resolution Institute offers ADR training programs in Bermuda using well established ADR teaching methods. Our approach relies on interactive learning techniques including role plays while sharing knowledge about the theory and practice of mediation and negotiation. Our training programs will benefit anyone who wishes to improve their negotiation skills, improve their capacity to deal with conflict, or who may aspire to be a professional mediator.
In addition, the Bermuda Conflict Resolution Institute offers ADR services such as mediation to individuals, businesses and organizations seeking to resolve disputes in a practical and principled way, outside the court room.
Our ADR Training
BCRI offers a range of training programs that examine the typical dynamics of conflict, the role of principled negotiation as well as effective techniques and tools for managing and resolving dispute. Our training workshops cover:
- The nature of conflict and its causes
- Foundational tools for analyzing conflict
- Different styles of negotiation and the role of negotiation in dispute resolution
- Different types of dispute resolution processes – mediation, conciliation, arbitration
- Interest-based, rights-based and power-based approaches to dispute resolution
- Mediation and coaching scenarios and role plays
- Mediation agreements, ethical standards for mediators.
You will have an opportunity to learn core dispute resolution skills such as:
- Active listening
- Analyzing and uncovering interests that underlie conflict
- Techniques to improve communication and better understanding
- Managing the mediation process and how to explore options and identify potential zones of agreement
- When mediation is not appropriate and how to recognize and deal with ethical issues.
Our ADR Services
Help in conflict resolution when you need it…..
The Bermuda Conflict Resolution Institute can provide trained mediators, meeting facilitators and ADR trainers to assist you in building solutions and relationships to meet your needs and objectives. Proven techniques in conflict resolution can help governments, organizations, businesses, communities and families.
Our ADR Services include:
- Meeting Facilitation
- Investigation
- Business consulting
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Integrated Conflict Management System Design
- Coaching and mentoring
- Internships
- ADR Training
- Family mediation
- Workplace conflict
- Commercial mediation
- Personal injury
- Intercultural mediation
- Community mediation
- Negotiations
Our Story
“There is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it is always a combination of passion, dedication, hard work and being in the right place at the right time”. Lauren Conrad
When invited to a 2-day international conference at a beautiful Southampton Bermuda location with only two days notice, the decision wasn’t a difficult one for BCRI co-founder Angela Fubler. Angela planned to sit quietly on her own and enjoy the opportunity to learn. She could not have anticipated that within 120 minutes to follow, she would encounter a very unusual question, a passionate ADR professional and a mutual interest in asking questions and resolving problems and that all this would connect to eventually become the Bermuda Conflict Resolution Institute! William and Angela discovered a shared interest in dispute resolution, education and capacity building to make change that improves people's lives.
With 30+ years of local and international experience in Educational Consulting, Leadership and Policy Development, Angela’s natural ability to think creatively, analyze and make connections, offers a local perspective to BCRI that supports Bermuda residents in achieving a deeper understanding of, and more active engagement in, alternative dispute resolution services. Through BCRI, Angela's hope is to experience a more unified Bermuda!
After several visits to Bermuda over the past decade and an ongoing commitment to learn more about the island and its people, William Cornet was ready to share his deep knowledge of alternative dispute resolution in all its varied aspects. Life-long learning and adult education is a particular passion of William's. Combining William's leadership and extensive experience in the practice and teaching of ADR with Angela's deep background in education in Bermuda, BCRI will bring a new focus to ADR training and service needs on the island.
The BCRI vision is to promote dispute resolution skills among Bermudians through in person training; and to offer professional, effective mediation services in a safe and neutral environment. Our combined professional experience and strengths means that BCRI has much to offer those seeking conflict resolution assistance. We are committed to realizing the BCRI Mission:“Peace In Mind. Peace In Action”. We look forward to contributing to the practice of ADR in Bermuda through our training programs and services!
Meet The Team

Angela Fubler
BCRI Co-Chair and ADR Coach
Angela Fubler is a Bermudian educator, presenter and consultant who is passionate about transformational learning in all settings for children, adults, families and professional groups. Angela is a master’s level, Educational Psychologist and Certified Management Consultant with a background in Developmental Disabilities, Programme Development and Behaviour Management. Angela was educated at Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada) and has held several positions in the Ministry of Education and has established several private schools in Bermuda.

William Cornet
BCRI Co-Chair, Mediator, ADR Trainer
William Cornet is an accomplished mediator and lecturer in the theory and practice of negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution and meeting facilitation. He has an extensive background in ADR training and conflict management system design. William has conducted thousands of mediations, facilitations and other ADR events. His expertise includes family mediation, workplace conflict and community relations. He holds several academic degrees including a Master of Arts (Intercultural Mediation) from Sherbrooke University and a Master of Laws (Alternative Dispute Resolution) from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. He has been teaching alternative dispute resolution courses at St. Paul University (Canada) for several years.

Wendy Moss
BCRI Advisor and ADR Coach
Wendy Moss is a consensus builder and human rights advocate. Wendy has a long history and depth of expertise advancing consensus-building processes with multiple parties dealing with complex issues of law and public policy in Canada. She has been instrumental in the negotiation of accords between the Government of Canada and Indigenous peoples in that country. Wendy holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia (Canada). Wendy is married to William Cornet and carries out her work through their company, Cornet Consulting & Mediation Inc., which is based in Ottawa and Toronto, Canada.